Monday 2 February 2009


Did you know that there are a variety of crystals for fertility?

You can use Moonstone and Moldavite to enhance fertility. Wearing a piece of jewellery in one of these crystals will increase your chances of conceiving. It is an individual choice as to which crystal is the best for you. The name of the one that you are drawn to the most is the crystal that you need.

Wearing these crystals daily and also carrying a tumblestone or small crystal is ideal as this will ensure that the energy of the crystal is working around you at all times.

Remember to cleanse your crystal regularly. At the end of each day when the crystal has interacted with your energy field and cleared and cleansed any blocks associated with infertility - it will be in need of clearing itself. The best ways to cleanse your crystal is to hold under running water for 30 seconds or pass through the smoke of an incense stick or cone.

If you need a Moonstone or Moldavite crystal for Fertility - visit our website at If you do not see a crystal or piece of jewellery that you are drawn to - email or telephone and we will be happy to help you find that special crystal, as we have a crystal shop at Tewkesbury with a large range. We can help you dowse and find the one especially for you:)

We have a Healing Center at Tewkesbury for fertility treatments using a combination of Crystal Therapy, Reiki Healing and Angel Healing. These treatments have been very successful for conceiving when combined with the use of crystals. Call us on 01684 298300 to book your treatment or visit

Love & Light

Crystal Heaven

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